Performing arts institutions with common ecological and social concerns - Bunker and Mladi Levi Festival (Slovenia), Culturgest (Portugal), Festiva
l d’Avignon (France), Tangente St. Pölten – Festival für Gegenwartskultur (Austria),
Temporada Alta (Spain), Zona K and Piccolo Teatro di Milano Teatro d’Europa (Italy), Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne (Switzerland) and the artistic collective Rimini Protokoll (Germany) - gather to experiment and reflect on performing land-art, to de-urbanise and decentralise their institutions and practices, to widen the audience, to stimulate resilient art works and formats, and to open new paths for international cooperation.
l d’Avignon (France), Tangente St. Pölten – Festival für Gegenwartskultur (Austria),
Temporada Alta (Spain), Zona K and Piccolo Teatro di Milano Teatro d’Europa (Italy), Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne (Switzerland) and the artistic collective Rimini Protokoll (Germany) - gather to experiment and reflect on performing land-art, to de-urbanise and decentralise their institutions and practices, to widen the audience, to stimulate resilient art works and formats, and to open new paths for international cooperation.
What if performing
arts provided
a counterpoint
to the privatisation
of landscapes,
a new common,
a collective experience of nature based
on time and attention?
Curators Stefan Kaegi and Caroline Barneaud conceive an artistic project in which institutions, artists, scientists, audiences, inhabitants are collectively invited to approach a landscape, the green zones around cities: Shared Landscapes.
They commission European artists to create 7 pieces for meadows and forests and compose an entire day of performing land-art for the audience. Shared Landscapes will be created in Switzerland, France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain with local teams.
A cross-disciplinary research program combining invitations to scientists and peer-learning sessions between theatre practitioners accompany the project.
They commission European artists to create 7 pieces for meadows and forests and compose an entire day of performing land-art for the audience. Shared Landscapes will be created in Switzerland, France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain with local teams.
A cross-disciplinary research program combining invitations to scientists and peer-learning sessions between theatre practitioners accompany the project.