From Urban Forest to Forest City: Living in the Shelter of Trees
Maja SimonetiThe Shared Landscapes performance takes visitors through a series of experiences in a forest landscape, transforming an otherwise ordinary walking process into an awareness of the forest's layers and its impact.

The Somatics Of Landscape
Body and Performance in Territorial DesignMaría Auxiliadora Gálvez Pérez
Shared Landscapes creates a platform for distributed cognition and collective action, immersing us directly within the environment. This form of performance plays a crucial role in reshaping our understanding of our relationship with what we once referred to as "nature."

Reconsidering landscape
Joana BragaShared Landscapes, curated by Caroline Barneaud and Stefan Kaegi, offers us a durational ambulatory experience amid and with «landscapes» between “field and forest”, between «nature» and art, throughout which we encounter seven performances that are intended as “seven «variations on landscape»”. It invites us to «enter» the «landscape», to collectively pay attention to our surroundings, to «share the landscape».

Sharing Experience: the Space of Spectatorship
Emanuele Regi, Francesca SerrazanettiThe paper focuses on the spectatorship experience in Paesaggi condivisi. The audience has an active role in the performing arts in nature’s macro-category.

Unromanticizing landscape
Karin HarrasserIn this text, related to Rimini Protocol’s piece Shared Landscape I want to discuss, whether and in how far it is possible to work with a notion of landscape without romanticizing historically specific nature-cultures.

Werner Friedrichs
“Shared Landscapes” raises the question of how landscapes can become palpable as commonly shared, entangled and intertwined worlds. Or in other words, how can we more comprehensibly understand that collectively produced natural spaces are not simply existing, passive sceneries for active, autonomous subjects?
Frédérique Aït-TouatiLet's start with a classic, very simple definition of landscape: it's a portion of land, something that can be seen from a particular vantage point. Today, however, a new definition of landscape is emerging.
The landscape, ambivalent and relational
Leila ChakrounAddressing shared landscapes through a diversity of artistic creations and from multi-sited perspective shed a new light on one of the tensions that is at the heart of the concept of landscape: not all of the landscape is shared or shareable.
Mapping the landscape - a shared endeavour
Amaranta Fontcuberta, Leila Chakroun, Darious GhavamiWhat part of the landscape is shared, and
under what conditions is landscape shareable?