Shared Landscapes Paysages partgagés Paísajes compartidos Skupna Pokrajina Paesaggi Condivisi Paísajes compartidos
Shared Landscapes Paysages partgagés Paísajes compartidos Skupna Pokrajina Paesaggi Condivisi Paísajes compartidos
What if the landscape was a theatre? What if art did not represent the environment, but allowed us to experience it collectively? What is at stake today in our relationship to “nature” and its representations, and in the relationship between urban and rural spaces, in a time when our climate and resources are leading us towards a new awareness of fragility and interdependence?
Caroline Barneaud (Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne) and Stefan Kaegi (Rimini Protokoll) are inviting institutions and artists to leave the cities, theatres and venues in order to “enter the landscape”, to pay collective attention to what surrounds us, and to share in a way of looking at territory, far from that of developers or owners. International artists, partners and local teams will come together to create a theatrical journey between field and forest, in a kind of performative, theatrical, ephemeral and collective piece of land art.
Caroline Barneaud (Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne) and Stefan Kaegi (Rimini Protokoll) are inviting institutions and artists to leave the cities, theatres and venues in order to “enter the landscape”, to pay collective attention to what surrounds us, and to share in a way of looking at territory, far from that of developers or owners. International artists, partners and local teams will come together to create a theatrical journey between field and forest, in a kind of performative, theatrical, ephemeral and collective piece of land art.
Spectators will meet in the countryside in the afternoon for a new kind of excursion: an artistic escapade. After receiving a map and a small kit bag, they will embark on a journey until sunset, the discovery of a territory and seven “variations on the landscape” created by artists.
Seven artists or artist duos of different nationalities and artistic disciplines – Chiara Bersani and Marco D’Agostin, El Conde de Torrefiel, Sofia Dias and Vítor Roriz, Begüm Erciyas and Daniel Kötter, Stefan Kaegi, Ari Benjamin Meyers, Emilie Rousset – have devised light and mobile performances. These pieces posit that the landscape is not a mere backdrop, inviting us instead to immerse ourselves in it, to enter into relationships in a different and collective way, to shift our usual perspectives, to highlight the invisible as well as some of the fictions that govern our perceptions of nature.
Seven artists or artist duos of different nationalities and artistic disciplines – Chiara Bersani and Marco D’Agostin, El Conde de Torrefiel, Sofia Dias and Vítor Roriz, Begüm Erciyas and Daniel Kötter, Stefan Kaegi, Ari Benjamin Meyers, Emilie Rousset – have devised light and mobile performances. These pieces posit that the landscape is not a mere backdrop, inviting us instead to immerse ourselves in it, to enter into relationships in a different and collective way, to shift our usual perspectives, to highlight the invisible as well as some of the fictions that govern our perceptions of nature.
Creation´s Credits
Concept and curationCaroline Barneaud &
Stefan Kaegi (Rimini Protokoll)
With pieces by
Chiara Bersani and Marco D’Agostin (Italy)
El Conde de Torrefiel (Spain)
Sofia Dias and Vítor Roriz (Portugal)
Begüm Erciyas and Daniel Kötter (Turkey, Belgium, Germany)
Stefan Kaegi (Germany, Switzerland)
Ari Benjamin Meyers (USA, Germany)
Émilie Rousset (France)
Chiara Bersani and Marco D’Agostin (Italy)
El Conde de Torrefiel (Spain)
Sofia Dias and Vítor Roriz (Portugal)
Begüm Erciyas and Daniel Kötter (Turkey, Belgium, Germany)
Stefan Kaegi (Germany, Switzerland)
Ari Benjamin Meyers (USA, Germany)
Émilie Rousset (France)
Estimated length : 7 hours, including breaks
Performative land art: theatre, performances,
music, all taking place outdoors.
All the pieces are translated, adapted and restaged with local teams,
with local musicians, actors and experts.
Performative land art: theatre, performances,
music, all taking place outdoors.
All the pieces are translated, adapted and restaged with local teams,
with local musicians, actors and experts.
With the cast
(in Ari Benjamin Meyers's piece)
Conductor: Karim Zajec
Tenor saxophone: Marko Petek
Alto saxophone: Maj Brinovec
Flute: Jana Stojaković
Tuba: Gašper Poprijan
Trombone: Blaž Kozjek
Trumpet: Živa Žohar, Lea Krajnčič
Local producer: Špela Kopitar
(in Chiara Bersani & Marco D'Agostin's piece)
Urša Urbančič
Voice and Slovenian translation: Miha Nemec
Music: Lemmo
Local producer: Anja Vrhovšek
(in Emilie Rousset's piece) Nataša Živković, Barbara Kukovec, Žiga Štrukelj
Interviews with: Faustine Bas-Defossez (director for Nature, Health and Environment at the European Environmental Bureau), Fanny Rybak (researcher in ethology and
bio-acoustics), Žiga Štrukelj (farmer)
Local producer: Alma R. Selimović
English translation: Tadej Turnšek
(in Stefan Kaegi's piece)
Brina Breznik (curious child),
Marija Jakopin (forester),
Andrej Velkavrh (meteorologist),
Diego Barrios Ross (singer),
Lilija Varjačić Rajko (psychoanalyst).
Sound master: Rok Kovač
Sound recording: Vid Starman
Mastering: Jure Vlahovič
Local producer: Maja Vižin
English translation: Tadej Turnšek
(in Sofia Dias and Vítor Roriz piece)
Slovenian voices: Ana Urbanc, Branko Jordan
Direction of Slovenian version: Klemen Markovčič
Sound technician: Urban Gruden
Local producer: Maja Vižin
Slovenian translation: Tadej Turnšek
(in Ari Benjamin Meyers's piece)
Adrià Bauzó (Tenor sax and coordinator)David Llop (Alto sax)Marina Planellas (Trombone)Neus Plana (Flute)Ramon Berjaga (Tuba)Albert Clapés (Trompeta)
(in Chiara Bersani & Marco D'Agostin's piece)
Desirée Cascales (Performer)
Clio Van Kerm (Assistnant)
Júlia Rubies (locution)
(in Emilie Rousset's piece)
Maria Salarich (Actress)
Núria Lloansi
Josep Vidó (Farmer)
(in Stefan Kaegi's piece)
Tomàs Molina (meteorologist)
Albert Besalú (firefighter and forester)
Núria Masó (psychoanalyst)
Bruna Masó (girl)
Aya Sima (singer)
(in Sofia Dias and Vítor Roriz piece)
Mireia Illamola (actres)
Sergi Torrecilla (actor)
Magda Puig (art. director)
Tangente St. Pölten
With the musicians of Studio Dan
Viola Falb (Saxophon, Musikalische Leitung) Doris Nicoletti (Flöte)
Damaris Richerts (Trompete)
Julia Schreitl (Saxophon)
Anna Guggenberger (Tuba)
Daniel Riegler (Posaune)
Anna Rot
Antoine Effroy
Yakut Dogan
(in Stefan Kaegi's piece)
Gespräch mit / conversation with Golnar Shahyar (Sän- gerin / singer), Maximilian Bubna-Litic (Förster / forest ranger), Thomas Wostal (Meteorologe / meteorologist), Alma Glasner (neugieriges Kind / curious child), Judith Ransmayr (Psychoanalytikerin / psychoanalyst).
(in Sofia Dias and Vítor Roriz piece)
Englische Stimmen / English voices: Sofa Dias, Vítor Roriz
Deutsche Stimmen / German voices: Stephanie Monica, Alexander Pichler
Antoine Effroy
Yakut Dogan
(in Stefan Kaegi's piece)
Gespräch mit / conversation with Golnar Shahyar (Sän- gerin / singer), Maximilian Bubna-Litic (Förster / forest ranger), Thomas Wostal (Meteorologe / meteorologist), Alma Glasner (neugieriges Kind / curious child), Judith Ransmayr (Psychoanalytikerin / psychoanalyst).
(in Sofia Dias and Vítor Roriz piece)
Englische Stimmen / English voices: Sofa Dias, Vítor Roriz
Deutsche Stimmen / German voices: Stephanie Monica, Alexander Pichler
(in Ari Benjamin Meyers's piece)
Alessandro Luppi (direttore musicale), Michael Costanza (tromba), Iris Soledad Galibariggi (sassofono), Pierfausto Dall’Era (tuba), Simone Capitaneo (trombone), Gabriela Clelia Cuna (flauto), Maria Andreana Pinna (sassofono tenore).
(in Stefan Kaegi's piece) Riccardo Tabilio
Costanza Alessandri, Luca Frezzini, Camilla Giraudi, Rania Khazour, Pamela Turchiarulo (voci), Roberto Cirillo (registrazione live).
(in Sofia Dias and Vítor Roriz piece)
Antonio Tagliarin, Milena Costanzo e Luca Stetur (voce), Luca Ciffo (registrazione ed editing)
Performing and music
(in Chiara Bersani & Marco D'Agostin's piece)
Marco Bricchi (performer), Luca Bricchi (assistente performer), Lemmo (musica), Luca Ciffo (registrazione voce ed editing).
Performers and texts
(in Emilie Rousset's piece)
Davide Albrici (agricoltore), Giulia Heatfield Di Renzi e Ruggero Franceschini (performer).
(in Ari Benjamin Meyers's piece)
Orquestra da Câmara Portuguesa
Marta Vilaça (flute)
Álvaro Correia Pinto (tenor saxophone, soprano)
Rita Nunes (alto saxophone, baritone)
Tiago Pagaimo (trombone)
Carolina Godinho (trumpet)
João Aibéo (tube, musical direction)
(in Chiara Bersani & Marco D'Agostin's piece)
Inês Cóias (actress)
Catarina Sousa (actress)
Teresa Silva (voice-over)
(in Emilie Rousset's piece)
Teresa Coutinho (staging assistant and actress)
Leonor Cabral (actress)
Edgar Martinho (farmer)
(in Stefan Kaegi's piece)
Hugo Gonçalves (meteorologist)
Patricia Câmara (psychoanalyst)
Naíma Marques (child)
David Belo (técnico florestal)
Madalina Petre (singer)
(in Ari Benjamin Meyers's piece)
Stéphane Pecorini (musical director)
Remi Cluzel (trumpet)
Ganesh Geymeier (saxophone)
Annika Granlund (tuba)
Elise Jacquemettaz (trombone)
Juliane Rickenmann (saxophone)
Rocío Sánchez Gallego (saxophone)
Alexandre Tkaboca (flete)
(in Stefan Kaegi's piece)
Mireille Cifali Bega
Olivier Tomasini
Adele Poncet
Lionel Regamey
Isumi Grichting
Performing and music
(in Chiara Bersani & Marco D'Agostin's piece)
Swan Muller (performer)
Lemmo (music)
Performers and texts
(in Emilie Rousset's piece)
Jean-Luc Chollet (farmer)
Joëlle Fontannaz (actress)
Mathieu Ziegler (actor)
Elise Simonet (dramaturg)
Interview with Faustine Bas-Defossez (environment, health and nature director at the European Environmental Bureau)
Entretien avec Jean-Luc Chollet (Agriculteur à la retraite)
Interview with Fanny Rybak (researcher in ethology and bio-acoustics)
With the musicians
Maxime Atger alternating with Anton Chauvet, Amandine Ayme (saxophones)
Julien Berteau (trombone)
Téoxane Duval (flute)
Leïla Ensanyar (trumpet)
Ulysse Manaud (tuba)
And Corentin Combe, Thomas Gonzalez, Emmanuelle Lafon, Clément and Guillaume Papachristou
And the voices of
Henri Carques
Febe Fougère
Charles Passebois
Sylvie Prieur
Oksana Zhurauel-Ohorodnyx
Berlin / Hangelsberg
Apparat with Guests
Malin Sieberns (flute)
Ruth Velten (saxophone)
Martin Posegga (saxophone)
Paul Hübner (trumpet)
Maxine Troglauer (trombone)
Max Murray (tuba)
Brigitte Cuvelier
Fernanda Farah
Carolin Hartmann
Christian Hohm
Carlo Horn
Michaela Koschak
Emil Leyerle
Magali Tosato
Dr. Mai Wegener
and many more
(in Stefan Kaegi's piece)
Gespräch mit / Conversation with Fernanda Farah (Sängerin / singer), Christian Hohm (Förster / forest ranger), Michaela Koschak (Meteorologin / meteorol- ogist), Emil Leyerle (neugieriges Kind / curious child), Dr. Mai Wegener (Psychoanalytikerin / psychoanalyst). Englische Stimmen / English voices: Mmakgosi Kgabi, Damian Rebgetz
Production and coordination
Isabelle Campiche, Aline Fuchs (Théâtre Vidy- Lausanne)
Coordination of
Performing Landscape
Chloé Ferro, Monica Ferrari,
Lara Fischer (Rimini Protokoll)
Artistic assistant
Giulia Rumasuglia, Magali Tosato
Stage manager
Guillaume Zemor
Isabelle Campiche, Aline Fuchs (Théâtre Vidy- Lausanne)
Coordination of
Performing Landscape
Chloé Ferro, Monica Ferrari,
Lara Fischer (Rimini Protokoll)
Artistic assistant
Giulia Rumasuglia, Magali Tosato
Stage manager
Guillaume Zemor
Polyvalent technician
Xavier De Marcellis
Video technicians
Nicolas Gerlier, Victor Hunziker
Sound technicians
Janyves le Coïc, Charlotte Constant, Marc Pieussergues
Matthieu Dorsaz
Machteld Vis
Xavier De Marcellis
Video technicians
Nicolas Gerlier, Victor Hunziker
Sound technicians
Janyves le Coïc, Charlotte Constant, Marc Pieussergues
Matthieu Dorsaz
Machteld Vis
Pierre-Paul Bianchi
Scientific coordination
Darious Ghavami
Design of the map and pictograms
Achitecture Land Initiative (ALIN)
Graphic design
Web Design
Gaetan Langlois-Meurinne
Pierre-Paul Bianchi
Scientific coordination
Darious Ghavami
Design of the map and pictograms
Achitecture Land Initiative (ALIN)
Graphic design
Web Design
Gaetan Langlois-Meurinne
Rimini Apparat (Germany)
Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne (Switzerland)
Rimini Apparat (Germany)
Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne (Switzerland)
Performing landscape, European Consortium : Bunker and Mladi Levi Festival (Slovenia), Culturgest (Portugal), Festival d’Avignon (France), Tangente St. Pölten – Festival für Gegenwartskultur (Austria), Temporada Alta (Spain), Zona K and Piccolo Teatro di Milano Teatro d’Europa (Italy)
Berliner Festspiele (Germany)
Performing landscape, European Consortium : Bunker and Mladi Levi Festival (Slovenia), Culturgest (Portugal), Festival d’Avignon (France), Tangente St. Pölten – Festival für Gegenwartskultur (Austria), Temporada Alta (Spain), Zona K and Piccolo Teatro di Milano Teatro d’Europa (Italy)
Berliner Festspiele (Germany)

Co-funded by the European Union
With the creative concept support of the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung
The concept creation was funded by
the Federal Agency for Civic Education
With the support of
the Jorat natural Park
the City of Lausanne
the Competence Centre in Sustainability of the University of Lausanne
and VR Cinema Solution provided by INVR.SPACE GmbH
INVR.SPACE GmbH is a creative studio in Europe that offers full-service solutions for XR content creation, including soft- and hardware for VR cinemas and the Metaverse.