Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne

Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne

The Shared Landscapes map proposes three “disorientations” for perceiving the territory differently and conveying its geomorphological richness.

Disorientation no. 1

: Another catchment area

The map highlights the Rhone-Rhine watershed and the Rhine catchment. The starting point of the show takes place precisely on this divide between the two basins. As you enter the forest and the clearing, you leave the territory of Lausanne’s water – which flows through Lake Geneva and the Rhone, ending up in the Mediter- ranean Sea – and enter the territory of the water that flows through The Three-Lakes, the Aare and the Rhine towards the North Sea.

Disorientation no. 2

: A clearing as ‘full’ rather than ‘empty’

On official maps, as in our collective imagination, the forest resembles a dense mass and the clearing is the void that punctuates it. Here, however, it is the clearing that appears full of life and movement. The Mauvernay plain is a watery area located in the Jorat forest massif. It absorbs abundant rainfall which it releases in the form of countless springs and streams, as well as more than fifty wetlands offering favourable conditions for biodiversity.

Disorientation no. 3

: Anthropised nature

On the map, water, vegetation, human-made paths and the pieces of Shared Landscapes exist in dialogue. Behind an impression of nature lies a landscape shaped by the relationship between humans and the plain. Throughout the plain, hundreds of catchment points redirect the water to supply the surrounding area with drinking water. The area was cleared by the Cistercian monks of Montheron several centuries ago, and today Fabien Hunziker’s agricultural activity helps to maintain its contours. North of the clearing, the former rear area of a shooting range, the «bois ballé», unfit for construction, is now part of the protected area of the Jorat peri-urban Natural Park.

Shared landscapes cartographies:
#1 the Jorat natural park

Exhibition from May 14 to June 18 at the Théâtre de Vidy and every

Sunday at Chalet-à-Gobet during Paysages partagés + Lecture-performance and round table - Wed. May 31, 7pm, Théâtre Vidy Lausanne

A transdisciplinary collaboration that uses cartographic tools to reflect on the issues that underpin the concept of landscape and its appropriation by artists.

By Leila Chakroun, Amaranta Fontcuberta, researchers in environmental humanities, and Darious Ghavami, from the Competence Centre in Sustainability of the University of Lausanne. With the support of the City of Lausanne and the Jorat natural park.

Festival d’Avignon

Festival d'Avignon

Café des idées @Cloître Saint-Louis

La matinale

8 July at 10:30

With Pauline Bayle, Caroline Barneaud & Stefan Kaegi, Carolina Bianchi, Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker

Animated by Olivia Gesbert

Shared landscapes: creating within
the living

10 July at 5pm (in French)

The concept of “shared landscapes” invites us to think about and question our relationship to real landscapes and to the living. What does it mean to inhabit the earth, not just as a purely human stage, but as a shared landscape? What role does the landscape play in theatre?

With Frédérique Aït Touati researcher and director, Caroline Barneaud and

Stefan Kaegi curators of Paysages partagés, Clara Hédouin director of

Que ma joie demeure, Marina Ezdiari CSR manager at Audiens

Moderated by Christophe Triau of the magazine Alternatives théâtrales

With Alternatives théâtrales and Audiens, with the support of European Union

Taking care of things and landscapes. Preservation, exhibition, performance. Preserved landscapes?

19 July at 11am (in French)

Things and landscapes are two fragile elements, often forgotten and under attack. Artists and researchers discuss how they take into account landscapes and objects in their work, and how doing so has become an urgent need. The discussion will focus on the convergence of struggles, preservation, and exhibitions.

With Caroline Barneaud and Stefan Kaegi curator and curator of Shared Landscapes, Vera Martynov scenographer and artist (ESAA)

Animated by Antoine de Baecque director of SACRe, Barbara Turquier director of SACRe, Morgan Labar director of ESAA / With SACRe - ESAA

Berliner Festspiele

Berliner Festspiele

Hangelsberg Forest

Only a few train-stops away from Berlin, Hangelsberg is located not far from the border between city and countryside. North of the meandering river Spree and behind the historic railway station, there is a forest area that is shared by foresters, curious school groups and non-human inhabitants alike. This map suggests three re-orientations for this area that may shift our gaze in the Here and Now.

Re-orientation I:

From glaciers to water courses to dried-out trenches

The map shows an area surrounded by lakes and forests, whic belonged to the Berlin-Warsaw Glacial Valley and was create by meltwaters at the end of the last ice age. The past decades however, have left their mark on the landscape: In large parts o Brandenburg, the groundwater level has dropped. The Trebuser Graben (Trebus trench), which used to carry water decades ago has dried up: a consequence of increased water usage and former soil culture schemes like draining wetlands to render surfaces usable for agriculture and forestry.

Re-orientation II:

Stabilising combinations and relicts from former times

Retaining water within the landscape and stabilising forests by means of combining various species of trees is the future task. The area around the forest school is an example of a structured mixed forest that has long been made up of more than just pine trees. Other parts
of the forest, including the area around Stefan Kaegi’s piece, have been ‘disused’ for quite a while: The wood is no longer utilised and nature is left to its own devices. In the area’s immediate vicinity, there are several “Hutewald-Eichen” (oak trees in a pastoral forest), which are more than 300 years old. They are reminiscent of times when there was intensive woodland pasture, and such forests provided food fo livestock like sheep, pigs and cattle.

Re-orientation III:

Resin extraction and other traces

The patterns in pine trunks around the piece by Begüm Erciyas and Daniel Kötter point towards a different kind of woodland utilisation. Extracting tree resin (German: “Harzung”) was mainly a matter of economic necessity, a way to secure self-sufficiency with the hel of replacement resources. Resin extraction was first undertaken during the First World War and continued after the Second World War until 1990, especially in the GDR. These (wo-)man-made traces complement the paths crossing the area. Generations of forester have been active here, working with the forest, developing it in
accordance with nature and preserving it for future generations.

Tangente - St. Pölten Festival

Projects as part of “Tipping Time” –
Climate Conference of Civil Society

May 9th to 11th, 2024, Sonnenpark St. Pölten:

Saturday, May 11th, 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.: Exploring the Landscape. A walk through Sonnenpark with scientists and artists from the “Performing Landscape” project (in English).
Meeting point: Mobile City Lab.
Admission is free, but the number of participants is limited. Please register at the reception from 10:00 a.m.

With Leila Chakroun, Amaranta Fontcuberta, Karin Harrasser, Emanuele Regi, Joana Braga, Maja Simoneti, María Auxiliadora Gálvez, Caroline Barneaud, and Stefan Kaegi.

Saturday, May 11th, 2:00 – 3:30 p.m.:
Winds of Change: Climate Policy Turbulence. Lecture by Karin Harrasser (cultural scientist) followed by a discussion with Caroline Barneaud and Stefan Kaegi at the Mobile City Lab.