Sofia Dias and Vítor Roriz

Portuguese choreographers and performers Sofia Dias and Vítor Roriz have developed a choreographic language that includes text and voice, creating shows, performances, and podcasts as well as installations…

For Shared Landscapes, the duo has composed a sound and 

choreographic piece for

audio-guide headsets, which simultaneously guides two audience groups through the forest, in a kind of pas de deux or surrealistic ritual, between instructions and daydreams. A personal meditation and a collective experience that interrogates our relationship to what surrounds us.

Sofia Dias and Vítor Roriz are a duo of artists/ choreographers collaborating since 2006. The hybrid nature of their research, connected to a strong curiosity and need for experimentation, led them to create several shows, performances, videos, podcasts and installations, crossing different contexts and blurring limits between artistic fields. Their performances conceived for stage, mainly performed by the duo, summon up a particular choreographic language in relation to text and voice and have been presented in over 17 countries. In 2011 they were awarded the Prix Jardin d’Europe for A gesture that is nothing but a threat. They have been invited to collaborate with different artists such as Catarina Dias, Marco Martins, Clara Andermatt, Francisco Tropa, Mark Tompkins and Felipe Hirsch. 
They collaborate regularly with Tiago Rodrigues: Antony and Cleopatra 2014; Sopro 2017; movement assistance for Catarina e a beleza de matar fascistas 2020; and they perform in the staging of Wagner’s opera Tristan und Isolde, by the same author in 2023 (Opera National de Lorraine, Nancy, FR). They regularly teach workshops and classes and have been organizing residencies and reflection groups for artists in different contexts. They were invited to make the curatorship for PACAP 2 (2018/2019) and PACAP 6 (2023) - Advanced Program of Creation in Performing Arts, at Fórum Dança, Lisbon.







